Friday, June 16, 2006

Case Study:

Loon-Atic reactions to Hadji-Girl:

A] US marine has apologized for a widely-viewed video that shows him singing a song about killing Iraqi civilians. The marine, Corporal Joshua Belile, is seen performing the song to applauding troops. In a statement Wednesday, Belile said the song was intended as a joke and bore no connection to the killing of Iraqi civilians by US Marines in Haditha.

Corporal, if that song [lyrics including "As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally."] constitutes comedy for you, you need a few decades in a padded cell.

Such are the ravings of the childlike minds that believe everything Peter Pan ever told them. I sampled the above from an ever-so-liberal blog and won't link to the thing because, after all, I do love you all so very much and wouldn't subject you to more LOON-acy than is necessary to be able to understand the enemy. That's what we're here for. Not that I'll ever do it again, you see, because we all have our limitations in imbibing swill before the autotomic nervous system induces vomiting.

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