Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Yep. Among other things, the latest rant from Bloom The Loon are those horrific guns that are, gasp, made in different colors. Forget the fact that BLUE is the symbol for an inoperative weapon, and to color a real gun thusly is ALREADY a no-no, hizzoner is fearful that someone might mistake a colorful Glock for a toy and go on a shooting spree without realizing it.

Seriously though, I'm the last person to ever imagine colorizing a weapon, but in the name of all that's holy, does EVERYTHING scare these freaks?

"Bloomberg...set his sights on companies that manufacture and sell gun paint by proposing to ban the sale of such paint in the city. "Just think about how sick it is: What possible reason can you give to want to paint a gun so it looks like a child's toy gun other than to put a police officer in one of those impossible positions?" he asked.

But gun-paint dealers said their product serves legitimate functions. "The mayor is confused as to the purpose of these firearm paints. He's mistaking safety colors and thinking they're unsafe," said Steve Lauer, owner of Lauer Custom Weaponry in Chippewa Falls, Wis. "For example, the wild yellow color is used quite extensively by search and rescue teams, so that when they drop their firearm they can easily find it," Lauer said. "And police departments often use a bright blue color to indicate that a firearm is a training firearm."

Bloomy also wants prior gun offenders to be registered the same way pedophiles are because permits and licenses and TATTOOS are what it's all about when Nazi-types seek to steal freedom and replace it with identifying characteristics that make Jews...strike that...gun owners stand out in a crowd. Easier to shun them that way dontcha know.

"Dubbed the Gun Offender Registration Act, the bill would require anyone convicted of criminal possession of a weapon to register their addresses with the NYPD and appear in person at the Police Department every six months for four years.

Not complying with these rules would be punishable by one year in prison.

The NYPD said more than 750 people are arrested for gun crimes each year in the city."

Seven hundred and fifty out of a city surpassing eight million is a staggering ADHERANCE to the law. Sweet christ on a crutch but there are apartment buildings with more spanish-speaking illegal aliens in one city block than 750.

Oh, and precisely how many glitter-guns were used in crimes or puzzled officers as to their efficacy?


And remember, you can be caught selling up to 14 unregistered handguns in NYC but not charged with illegal gun sales because the penalties are stiff, and and lowering that number to say, ONE, would mean turning certain minority neighborhoods into ghost towns. Steal 'em, sell 'em, then get a slap on the wrist if your ethnicity is of a certain bent.

But NEVER, EVER, paint 'em.

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