Thursday, June 01, 2006

RINO Schelly At It Again

This one made me sigh for real. Michelle Malkin really really has to take a breather from the echo chamber because the hive-mind syndrome is ruining an otherwise good writer.

She giveth with a good story concerning the enemy using women and children to kill our troops, then tacks on pics of the regular and dreadful Little Green Football Palestinian Child Abuse presentations featuring kids with firearms. The same sort of pictures Loons use from NRA functions around the country to demonstrate how evil weapons and the people that own them, are.

It is OKAY for children to learn how to use weapons in a safe manner. It is, in fact, a very, very GOOD idea to teach them so. Employing moonbat tactics is disgusting, no matter from whence it comes, but particularly odious when done by one of the most influential bloggers on the net. Charles Johnson hates guns, Michelle Malkin hates guns, and that's fine. But using inanimate objects to make a convoluted point is not, and better left to the Left.

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