Friday, September 07, 2007

bin Laden's Corpse Speaks Out

Bin Laden Chides U.S. Power
"Al Qaeda leader mocks U.S. foreign policy, economic woes."

Damn but ol binny isn't looking all that hale. Even the fake beard looks, well, fake, and that tells us he's hiding somewhere other than Pakistan.

Good job, and thanks for the clue, pal.

Otherwise, this must really be pissing Hillary RodHam off because like she's said, terror means people vote Republican. HER people scream to the high heavens about why he hasn't been caught, all the while making it more and more difficult to track the bad guys but thats what modern liberals do. Embrace our enemies and shelter them from harm.

And as far as our economic "Woes", hells bells, binny, there isn't a country in the world that wouldn't trade places with us in a nanosecond, so all that shows is how rampantly dumbass you truly are.

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