Saturday, September 15, 2007


"...There is a limit to how much Democrats can hurt themselves on the war. No matter what they do, the war is still unpopular and a net drag on Republicans. Nonetheless, Democrats have helped drive the approval levels of Congress down to historic lows and suffered an enormous opportunity cost.

Throughout this past year, they could have seized the broad middle in the debate concerning the war. They could have worked with a slice of moderate Republicans on legislation that wouldn't have forced an end to the war, but made them the representatives of a bipartisan alternative to Bush's strategy. Instead they talked of ending the war outright, positioning themselves to the left of the public and setting themselves an unattainable goal.

Thus, they became the party of the impotent left-wingers. They fell victim to all the same dreary failings of overreaching congressional Republicans after their takeover of Congress in 1994 - hubris, self-delusion and a slavish devotion to their political base..."

Rich Lowry

"They could have worked with a slice of moderate Republicans on legislation," okay stop before I shoot. I know young fella's like Rich have a lot to learn but the FIRST thing learnable about the democrats is they are never for something as much as AGAINST everything. "Working" with Republicans means there had to have been this thing called a PLAN. An alternative to the present stratagem. Putting their own irrevocable stamp on the ways and means to achieve victory. Thats damned hard to do when you are A.) inexperienced in the ways of the hated military and therefore really can't understand all of this bang-bang stuff, and 2.) Etching things in stone is a good way to lose face if those things don't work.

Its far easier...and remember, liberals are those who NEED easy, who CRAVE easy because their constituency has the IQ and attention span of a 9 attack someone else's plan as simply being the wrong plan, the lying plan, the Bush-Hitler-Monkey unworkable plan.

Totally, positively, absolutely INCAPABLE of creating their own blueprint for success, and lets face it, were they Patriots thats what they SHOULD have been striving for all along, they took the lie-beral way out. They may not be all that gung ho about attacking on the battlefield, but they are gold medal winners when it comes to PERSONAL pugnacity and when all was said and done the very 4-Star General they helped send to Iraq to declare defeat turned out to be the one to turn things around and that meant vilifying HIM as well.

So you see Rich, they didn't drop the ball on anything. Didn't lose out on "seizing the middle" because the kids living in mommy and daddy's basements sending them all their allowance money, those kids HATE middle. Society's detritus, they crave attention and that means BIG attention, and what better way to do that than to stop a war while besmirching a sitting Bush-Hitler-Monkey. Cellar dwellers taking out the top dog. The nobodies that shook the world.

So you see, Rich, they did all that they COULD do. Hell, even Ms. Middle of the Road RodHam veered severely left as soon as the going got tough because thats where the money is. When presented with the opportunity to conduct an intelligent conversation with the man in charge, ALL of the democrats went after him with what they felt most comfortable with.

Lies. Distortions.

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