Friday, September 14, 2007

Fighting Fire With Flummery

by Michelle Malkin

"...just as anti-war zealots have plotted, the Dems are taking the "high road" in accusing Petraeus of "cherry-picking statistics or selectively massaging information" (the words are Florida Rep. Robert Wexler's), while the Soros-funded henchmen drag the general's name through the mud. Meanwhile, their socialist allies led by ANSWER are preparing to take over Washington beginning on Saturday.

The anti-war crew will hold a "die-in" besmirching the troops who believed in the mission in Iraq and gave their lives; they're planning to shut down military recruiting stations in the nation's capital, and they'll continue with other attempts to portray our leaders in uniform as book-cookers and liars.

It is our job to hold these political thugs, their Democrat allies, and their journalistic partners accountable. Let's not forgive and forget. Hound the Democrat presidential candidates out of their silence. Hound the Times for its advertising bargains to anti-war bullies. And hound the Soros-funded goons body for body, march for march, call for call, letter for letter.

Yes, there's a war going on. No, let's not "move on."

Meanwhile back on planet earth...

Move On gives democrats money. Money will always win out over harsh words. There is nothing you, I, or the man in the moon can do about what the traitorous liberals are doing and saying, except to vote Republican come election time, but that isn't going to influence California or NYC, or Chicago, or ANY large lie-beral enclave.

Talk is cheap, reality expensive. Stop being a fence sitter and come election time chase as many of the bastards out as you can.

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