Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fred Flops

by George Will

September 13, 2007 -- "FRED Thompson's plunge into the pres idential pool - more belly-flop than swan dive - was the strangest product launch since that of New Coke in 1985. Then the question was: Is this product necessary? A similar question stumped Thompson the day he plunged.

Sean Hannity asked: "When you look at the other current crop of candidates - Republicans - where is the distinction between your positions and what you view as theirs?" Thompson replied: "Well, to tell you the truth, I haven't spent a whole lot of time going into the details of their positions."

He also is unfamiliar with the details of his own positions. Consider his confusion the next day when talk-radio host Laura Ingraham asked him about something he ardently supported - the McCain-Feingold expansion of government regulation of political speech. His rambling, incoherent explanation was just clear enough to be alarming about what he believes, misremembers and does not know.

New Coke was announced on April 23, 1985, with the company's president piling on adjectives usually reserved for Lafite Rothschild - "smoother, rounder yet bolder." Almost 80 days later, the public having sampled it, the company pulled the product from stores. Perhaps Thompson's candidacy will last longer than New Coke did."

George Will is issue driven to the point whereby he's long since forgotten about the publics need for honesty and integrity, and yes, an endearing personality as well. For someone totally devoid of personality, this is understandable. But Fred Thompson HAS stumbled and bumbled the last few days and I turned off the radio after failing to decipher a word of what he was trying to get across to Laura Ingraham, even though I wanted to like the guy. Since he waited so long to join the race I expected Thompson to leave the starting blocks with great balls afire. Not that I need a 21 gun salute each and every time someone opens his mouth, but he better start bringing along a helluva lot more than a cap gun.

Unimpressive to a fault, so far.

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