Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Fuhrer And Her Mandatory Health Plan

WASHINGTON - "Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday that a mandate requiring every American to purchase health insurance was the only way to achieve universal health care but she rejected the notion of punitive measures to force individuals into the health care system.

"At this point, we don't have anything punitive that we have proposed," the presidential candidate said in an interview with The Associated Press."

The operative words being of course, AT THIS POINT.

Once you let the loons have a little taste of power they want it all. To date, virtually everything in her new "plan" has been described as un-doable, un-workable, and decidedly un-American.

Sweet Lord what a horrible person. Each and every day she worries me less and less because once the gloves come off and the Republican candidate gets to go at her one on one she'll look like the sorry loser she really is.

Sweet mother of pearl but Julie Annie makes mincemeat of this tripe in a nanosecond.

Keep 'em comin', Hillary. Dig it deep, babe.

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