Thursday, September 06, 2007

Hill's Gambit

"While Clinton's backers trumpet her inevitability as the anointed Democratic candidate lengthening her lead over Obama in national polls, she faces hotly competitive races in early primary states. She is measurably more popular in states where she has not campaigned than in primary states where she has, replicating the condition of Sen. Robert Dole, the anointed Republican candidate in 1996."

Robert Novak

Reading Bob Novak these days is like watching ice melt. Cold and boring. So when he catches on to something of interest it is all the more worthwhile, but on the other hand, who cares if Hillary wins Florida because she's going to sweep the table anyway or close enough to it, winning all the important states in her bid for the Dummycritter nod. She's hard to beat wherever there are minorities or enough clueless majorities like in Florida and Michigan, but if she doesn't attract the attention of the fence sitters it is meaningless come time for the big vote.

Click here for the 2004 election results, and save the page. '08 will be a carbon copy, with Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan going Dummycritter from the heart-but-no-brain land. She stands about as much of a chance as Kerry did in convincing even ONE southern state to declare temporary insanity; slim & none and slim she isn't.

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