Monday, September 10, 2007


by Ralph Peters

September 10, 2007 -- "ONE of the many disgraceful things about Washington is that it really doesn't matter what Gen. David Petraeus says in his testimony this week.

Minds are already made up. Senators and activists will listen only for a "Gotcha!" opportunity. Staffers have already formulated the sound bites and written the statements denouncing any progress in Iraq as meaningless.

Politically terrified by positive developments in Iraq, Democrats are trying to explain them away preemptively. Premature Iraqulator Sen. Charles Schumer even resorted to outright lies last week.

We've reached a grotesque low point when scoring political points means more to our legislators than winning a war.

None of us knows precisely what Gen. Petraeus will say, but his testimony will be honest and forthright. He's a model soldier who takes his oath as an officer and his responsibilities as a citizen with the utmost seriousness.

His reward for leading our troops from one success to another in a conflict that verged on failure only last autumn? Calumny. Accusations that he's a stooge of the administration.

And then there are the bizarre warnings from stay-at-homes that the general doesn't have the necessary perspective on events. (Remember last winter, when those same fickle creatures praised the general lavishly, assuming he'd just preside over a retreat?)

This character assassination is despicable. I can assure every reader of this column that Gen. Petraeus is no man's stooge or sycophant. He'll tell the truth as he sees it.

And no one on Capitol Hill will change his or her mind because of what the general has to say.

Senators, have you no shame?

Schumer's Big Lie statement was a foretaste of what you're going to hear this week: The senator's outburst was small-arms fire, but the big guns are about to open up.

Consider just one of Schumer's whoppers: his statement to the effect that any success in Anbar Province had nothing to do with the troop surge - which, according to the senator, was only about Baghdad.

The surge was never only about Baghdad. Yes, it focused heavily on Iraq's capital, because terrorists and militias had made it a key battleground (where they could play to the hug-the-Green-Zone media). But Anbar was always included in the strategy.

The senator gave all the credit for the progress in Anbar (gritting his teeth to admit there's been a turnaround) to former insurgent Sunnis fed up with al Qaeda."

Yes, even those of Jewish descent are rooting for the moslems to win this one. Some leading the charge for surrender at all costs in order to remain on the public dole and to tax us into oblivion. Destroying America is an an equal opportunity endeavor, no matter what their history has taught them about love of one's country, and freedom of religion. Schumer happens to be one of the most despicable human beings on the planet, and it's a shame that he happens to be a Jew because that fuels the anti-semitic rhetoric to a fair thee well, and also gives some folks the wrong impression about precisely who lives in NYC. Home to millions of staunch Conservatives who happen to be outnumbered by the more millions of lunatic democrats.

Most of our big cities are like that. Havens for those who welcome anyone seeking a free lunch, and not shy at all about spending federal tax dollars to fund handout after handout. They couldn't beat us fair and square so they went and created their own sub-culture of citizens, welfare slaves who vote early and often for their keepers.

By all accounts, General Petraeus is a smart, fair man who will tell it like it is, and that in itself will enrage the liberal contingent who lives for the big lie.

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