Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The City Was Sacked And Belonged To The Beasts...

No, not a description of Troy as taken from The Iliad...

Sad and oh so predictable. Minorities are rioting and looting what's left of New Orleans and the police have been caught flatfooted, no pun intended, and ill prepared to deal with the enormity of the situation. It does appear that the National Guard must be called out under the auspices of Martial Law, and of course most of the MSM is handling this with kid gloves. Too many pictures and videos of blacks trashing one Wal-Mart after another is not good for their political constituency, and in their heart of hearts you just know that the pinkies feel sorry for these criminals.

Michelle Malkin as well as several other blogs are covering this story as best they may, but this is where the big boys have us at a distinct disadvantage. As I've often said, blogging will never replace or even seriously threaten the mainstream news. Not having the bricks and mortar is an advantage when it comes to not being encumbered by it all, our sheer numbers insure eventually accuracy, but without the cameras and satellites and crews we're ALL observers, left to the mercy of whatever pablum is tossed our way.

Sure, we can vet a story, dig deep into the very life's blood of a situation to thrash it all out, BUT, we can't go get the news, only disect it.

Like it or not, we're the coroners. And New Orleans will need us but not until the body is quite cold and fingerpointing time has come to pass.

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