Tuesday, August 30, 2005

"If, For Example, They'd Only Tell Us What Installations Are The Most Vulnerable, We'd Be Glad To.."

U.S. Muslims feel sidelined in terrorism fight

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration is neglecting American Muslims in the fight against terrorism, undermining a potentially priceless resource that could be used to root out militants at home, major Muslim groups say.

Uh huh. Ask the folks whose holiest of holies orders them to kill us, ask THEM for help and let 'em in on our plans as allies against...themselves?

Each and EVERY moslem individual or organization in the WORLD knows precisely what needs to be done to root out militants. Stop harboring them, stop feeding them, stop protecting them, stop funding them, and fer chrissake, what, you don't have a phone and can't CALL the authorities if you know of something that might be of assistance? Engraved invitation? Okay, here it is:


That's Webdings For "Please Tell Us Where The Killers Are", Now un-sideline your cult-killing asses and...whoops, sorry, I mean, thanks.

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