Saturday, December 16, 2006

Some Of Us Continue To Evolve.

Homo Sapiens (no, Martha from Iowa, not THAT "homo" so you don't have to unplug the PC and send the kids to Aunt Bea's until the shock wears off) has been roaming the earth for 170,000 years, give or take, but what's up with this evolution deal, anyway?

The planet certainly has changed enough to warrant some evolutionary tweaks in order to enable old homo's to keep up with the jones's, so where are they?

Sarah Tiskoff's team of researchers over at the University of Marlyland have found no less than 4 mutations that enable lactose tolerance in adults, and such mutations occured a mere 3000 years ago, so hey there Mother go, girl.

A local egghead confessed to me that disease as we know it will be but a memory in the not too distant future, and when I inquired as to how long not-too-distant meant he offered something along the lines of, "oh, you'll be gone but your great-grandchildren will probably live until they decide to die.

Hell. Who cares then.

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