Sunday, September 09, 2007

Huckabee Takes Unfair Shots at Ron Paul

"In an effort to boost his media exposure, presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has tried to discredit Rep. Ron Paul's responses in the GOP debate Wednesday in New Hampshire.

Thursday, Huckabee called Texas Rep. Paul's comments during the debate "ludicrous" and "unacceptable." The former Arkansas governor conflated a previous debate comment with Wednesday's debate to suggest that Paul blamed America for 9/11.

Has Paul made "ludicrous" statements? I decided to look at what he's said in the debates and do some fact-checking.

It turns out Ron Paul had to set the record straight early in the debate after Fox News' moderators misquoted him, suggesting that he wanted citizens to be able to carry guns on airplanes to thwart attacks. Not true, said Paul. His actual words were: "Responsibility for protecting passengers falls with the airline, not the government, not the passengers." Paul favors small government and private responsibility.

Next came the question that prompted the comments Huckabee objects to so much. Chris Wallace asked Paul if he would pull troops from Iraq in spite of predictions of a bloodbath, al Qaeda camps and death for U.S. supporters in Iraq.

Paul's spirited answer: "The people who say there will be a bloodbath are the ones who said it would be a cakewalk, it would be slam dunk, and that it would be paid for by oil. Why believe them?"

Duh, and duh-mber. Defeating Iraq WAS a cakewalk. The political side was a mess just as Japan was a mess and Germany was a mess and the Philippines was a mess, and ad infinitum. Certain people...Paul among them...have been asking the US Military to do in a few years what took decades, and in the case of Julius Caesar warning the world to keep an eye on the Germans, sometimes millennia. By offering so downright stupid, inane, and childish a comment on so complex an issue, Ron Paul distinguishes himself as a blithering idiot par excellance.

In the real world, things aren't so tidy, and while I applaud Paul's desire to remove government from a lot of equations, asking an airline to become a police force is abject nonsense. The LAST thing we need is yet ANOTHER band of special people deputized to lord over us, and for as much as I detest the governments intrusion into virtually everything, I don't want private police forces handling me and my loved ones like so many bags of cash to be dumped into an armored car and taken to the vault. And like EVERYTHING the airlines DO, they'd fine a way to cut corners to save a few bucks and it's bad enough we have incompetent sworn officers of the law, we don't need rent-a-cops on airplanes.

It is far too late for fixing the mess liberal have made of the government in one fell swoop. Just like wars, some things take time and parading about like some tinfoil asshat is what democrats are supposed to do, and not someone professing a Conservative bent on the matter.

Huckabee laughed at a joker. Big deal. There's simply no such a thing as poking too much fun at a clown.

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