Monday, August 22, 2005

Pakistanophobia And The Fwench...Perfect Together - Views - Tongue Tied - 'Pakistanophobia' Grips France reports that there has been an unprecedented wave of "Pakistanophobia" in France since the July 7 attacks in London.
Pakistani leaders there are said to complain that since the London bombings the French people have started looking down on them.
"A right-wing newspaper, for instance, launched a ferocious campaign against Pakistanis in France and placed them in one basket, calling them a 'cause for concern,'" said one Pakistani leader, adding that his group is considering legal action against the newspaper.
Islam online also has a scoop that has apparently eluded every other news organization in the world: "Police have found that the bombers acted on their own and had no link to Al-Qaeda," it says.

Free Speech, Florida-Style
A schoolteacher in Orlando, Fla. has been suspended and is under investigation for allegedly writing a letter to her congressman complaining about immigrants even though school officials haven't seen the letter in question, reports the Orlando Sentinel. More...

Merry Winter Break!
Officials at a Washington State school district have spent the past two months arguing over whether to name the two-week break at the end of the calendar year "winter break" or "Christmas break," according to the Kitsap Sun. More...

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