Saturday, October 07, 2006

Gun-Haters Watch

But Fits says it isn't a gun it's a rifle. Little Green Football maven Charles has posted another picture of those hated firearms, under the label of Palestinian Child Abuse.

The original AP article...that's all we do here on the net is "borrow" from the real media then bitch about them like monday morning quarterbacks...said that the gun was a toy and Johnson went ballistic.

Fits says that since the magazine is in upside-down for safety (there's that word again and I guess that even mass murderers like being safe, too) reasons it's doubtful the rifle is anything but genuine.

The real story, since we know that a lot of people the world over do teach their children about weapons and how to use them, is why Charles Johnson hates them so much. A lot of this is fairly new to me and I'll admit being a little surprised that so staunch a conservative is afraid of firearms, but this IS the West Coast I'm talking about so never mind.

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