Monday, October 02, 2006

Rumsfeld: Venezuela Build-Up Is Concern

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) - "The recent military build-up in Venezuela by U.S. nemesis President Hugo Chavez has other countries in the region worried that the weapons could end up in the hands of terrorists, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Monday.

"I can understand neighbors being concerned," said Rumsfeld, who is attending a meeting of Western hemisphere military leaders here this week.

Asked whether he believes Venezuelan officials' contention that the weapon buys are strictly for defense and not a threat to the region, Rumsfeld said, "I don't know of anyone threatening Venezuela - anyone in this hemisphere."

The military junkpile that Russia is selling to Chabez (hey, it's how he pronounces his own name) is only good for one thing, and that's to sell at a huge markup to terror groups. And what's with the Casper the friendly Ghost pin on Rummy's lapel, and is his arm in a sling?

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