Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Study: Gulf war syndrome doesn't exist

WASHINGTON -- "There is no such thing as Gulf War syndrome, even though U.S. and foreign veterans of the war report more symptoms of illness than do soldiers who didn't serve there, a federally funded study concludes.

U.S. and foreign veterans of the Gulf War do suffer from an array of very real problems, according to the Veterans Administration-sponsored report released Tuesday.

Yet there is no one complex of symptoms to suggest those veterans -- nearly 30 percent of all those who served -- suffered or still suffer from a single identifiable syndrome.

"There's no unique pattern of symptoms. Every pattern identified in Gulf War veterans also seems to exist in other veterans..."

Listen up and I'll sort this out. There are those among us who rush to the doc for every last little thing. We had a name for them in the Marines, but that's not important now. When a man feels off his feed he slows down a tad and waits until he gets his old strut back. When a whiner gets the sniffles it's off to the Emergency Room. The older we get the more ailments we get. Some exacerbate their symptoms and fret. They join groups that will coddle them. War DOES produce ailments, that's for damned sure, but that's why they call it war, and not monkey bars.

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