Saturday, December 09, 2006

We Get Letters

"Most popular brand name holster are quite expensive...and brag about one-handed reholstering as if that were one of the most important features to consider. Your thoughts..."

Guys and holsters are like gals and handbags. Guys and concealed carry holsters are like gals with sexy underwear. Only THEY know what's under the drawers but get a rush out of wearing something stylish.

There is absolutely no real-world need for a civilian holster that can be operated with one hand. For competition purposes, yes, but getting the gun quickly and safely OUT is what's paramount and re-holstering with a nylon cheapie, or a tuckable for that matter, can be accomplished almost as quickly as with the form-fitting, pre-molded rigs. I've heard all sorts of abject nonsense about the absolute NEED to unpresent the firearm after use, and it's just another way to justify spending $200 for what in reality should be a simple device.

Not that you shouldn't buy what you want to buy, hell, spend a grand if it floats the boat, but as long as the pistol or revolver is reasonably retained and easy to draw from then go with an Uncle Mike's cheapie special and don't look back. Now, if you're out spelunking or hang gliding or bungee jumping then but of course find yourself something that locks the gun in place and can be operated with one hand. If you ever do need your self defense firearm for, um, self defense, whipping it out is #1 on the To-Do list. Yes, reholster when the coast is clear and you've notified law enforcement as you really don't want them arriving with one on the ground and another waving a handgun, but concealed carry ain't rocket science or a Wyatt Earp wannabe contest.

Oh and one other thing; spend as much time as you can learning to smoothly draw from your annointed rig. With an empty gun, or one loaded with snap-caps or other inoperative cartridges. Do it with a loaded rosco and I swear I'll find you.

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