Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Thank Heavens This Florida Man Didn't Have A Racist Police Chief

 Ambushed Floridian Fights Back

John Lee says he's convinced they would have killed him if he hadn't had his gun. Lee was talking from his hospital bed Wednesday about the three armed robbers who ambushed him in the parking lot of his Palmetto Bay apartment complex, shooting him four times as he fired back with his own pistol.

"They told me 'give it up,' but they didn't give me a chance. They just shot," Lee said as he lay sedated in his Ryder Trauma Center bed with bandages covering his abdomen, left arm and left hand. Lee was set upon as he got out of his car at the Royal Coast apartment complex where he lives shortly after midnight Tuesday morning.

Lee said the bandits gave him no opportunity to comply with their demands before two of them started shooting.

"The first bullet caught me in the hand and spun me around," Lee said. "I reached for it. I started firing my gun. I must have gotten hit a couple more times, but I didn't feel it at the time. I just started firing back, and the guys ran off."

Lee said he was concerned for his wounded arm and hand, unaware that two slugs had hit him in the gut.

I know, I know, its hard to just up and relocate.

But living in a state that has racist laws and protects the criminal element is decidedly hazardous to your health, and NO...

Neither Philadelphia, nor Frisco, nor NYC is going to up and change because that is where racist people like to live. So staying there is a lose-lose situation, and when push comes to shove, the gestapo local police are going to be the ones doing the pushing and shoving and they're democrat-recruited, die-hard anti-Americans, who believe that a subclass of people should be prevented from exercising their unalienable rights.

Go to where the real rights are. If and when the smoke clears, then hey, move back. Not like you can't visit until then. Unless you don't like being treated like a second class citizen. It bothered our black brothers a lot and they only won over because at that point in time the Yellowstream Media was far less Yellow and helped them. Not today, bunky.

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