Monday, August 22, 2005

The Loony "Kos": All Your Secret Plans Are Now Belong Us

Subtitled: Since we can smell something burning that means liberals must be thinking, so it's EMERGENCY, EVERYBODY TO GET FROM STREET time.

lgf: Daily Kos Top Secret Plan

Markos “Screw Them” Moulitsas Zuniga has a top secret plan, and it’s coming to fruition in two weeks: Daily Kos: The calm before the storm. (Hat tip: JustAHousewife.)
He starts with a quote from the Democratic Leadership Council, who are way too rational for Markos, then informs us that he could rebut their arguments, but you know, like ... why bother, dude?

Then he vows to destroy them.

"My draft version of this post included a whole refutation of Marshall’s aargument (sic), but really, it’s all irrelevant. Ultimately, this is the modern DLC — an aider and abettor of Right-wing smear attacks against Democrats. They make the same arguments, use the same language, and revel in their attacks on those elements of the Democratic Party that seem to cause them no small embarrassment.
Two more weeks, folks, before we take them on, head on.
No calls for a truce will be brooked. The DLC has used those pauses in the past to bide their time between offensives. Appeals to party unity will fall on deaf ears (it’s summer of a non-election year, the perfect time to sort out internal disagreements).
We need to make the DLC radioactive. And we will. With everyone’s help, we really can. Stay tuned."

"EVERYONE'S" help? Geez Marky, I'm busy so maybe my kid brother can stand in for me? I know there'll be secret handshakes learned, special codewords passed out to gain access to the treefort, and I wouldn't miss it for the world if I wasn't getting the oil changed.

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