Monday, August 22, 2005

Why We've Let The Moonbats In On The 9/11 Memorial, And How It's High Time To Say Enough Is Enough

Were the nujtobs always so, well, nutjobbish?

December 7, 1941. Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and kills 2390 Americans. A Memorial is built, a tasteful remembrance that draws millions of visitors a year.

September 11, 2001. Cult-killers attack New York City and kill 3000 Americans. Memorials are planned that include Performing Arts Centers, and "museums" of man's inhumanity to man, and heaven forbid, not including much of the American perspective because golly, the French way of thinking should be included too.

When did all of this start, this wacky leftwing insult to common decency? Well, it's been around forever but bbeneath our attention and/or contempt. There have always been wack-a-doodles slithering hither and yon, but were some such lunatic to make a proposal for a "Ballet Under The Stars Featuring The Evil Villain...America", he or she would be summarily tossed out of whatever government office they were disgracing, the media would pass along this good laugh to the tittering public, and people would get back to work.

So, if the gibbering idiots have always been with us, why then do some of us pay them homage instead of a buck for a cup of coffee and directions to the nearest exit?

Most artiste's are liberals. All liberals who are NOT artiste's are artiste wannabes eager to show their bold and brassy side, and are emboldened by the media's frantic rush to make anything and everything serious news in order to sell soap powder and feminine hygiene deodorant. Something gets plastered in your face, day, after day, after day, complete with expert testimony concerning it's standing with sliced bread as the best thing going, and such an attitude begins creeping into the mainstream as if it were there all along and just needed some attention.

And people tire of fighting it all. For chrissake, LET them have their stupid little soapbox to cavort long as it brings smiles to the children and doesn't spook the horses...what can it hurt? I mean, it's not like anybody's really going to LISTEN to these mime-wannabe's walking against the wind. Right?

Wrong. They've forgotten, or were so absorbed within their own little ego's they never knew they were just barkers for the Yak-Woman. They think they're for real, and they think WE think they're for real.

But when it comes to something really important, something akin to a fitting memorial for the cold-blooded murders of 9-11, it's time to shuffle the clowns back to Shakespeare-In-The-Park, take away their gaily-colored balls a' jugglin', and give the city back to the people.

Fun is fun, but there's work to be done so go practice somewhere until we need a laugh again.

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