Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Weatherman Warns of Wet Worries...

MIAMI (Reuters) - "If you thought the sight of the great American jazz city New Orleans flooded to the eaves -- its people trapped in attics or cowering on rooftops -- was the nightmare hurricane scenario, think again.

Max Mayfield, director of the U.S. National Hurricane Center, says there's plenty of potential for a storm worse than Hurricane Katrina which killed 1,339 people along the U.S. Gulf coast and caused some $80 billion in damage last August."


Sorry, Max, but Katrina all but MISSED New Orleans, you blithering idiot. The levees that N.O. politicians allowed to disintegrate over time melted down like the mud walls they were, and THAT'S what caused the damage. Or are you saying that there remain OTHER levee systems in a state of such disrepair? Or, that OTHER democratic cities with crooks in charge will evince the same niggardly response when the call to evacuate reaches them?

It's the weather, moron. Of course it can be dangerous. What's next? Alerting golfers that lightning is a bad thing on a rainy day?

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