Sunday, December 10, 2006

The War On Christmas, Part Scazillion...

"Anyone who doubts that there is a relentless assault on Christmas should visit the Catholic League Web site and check out our Christmas Watch program. Locally, for example, a Breakfast with Santa event in the town of Warwick in Orange County had to be recast as a "Winter Wonderland Breakfast," and a privately funded Nativity scene was booted from the Staten Island Mall.

We're not dealing with anecdotes - we are dealing with a sustained meanspirited secular crusade to scrub our society free of the public expression of religion.

It is frequently thrown in our face that some feel excluded by Christmas, therefore we have to cease and desist in our celebrations. But every year during Ramadan, non-Muslims are excluded. Should we dumb-down Ramadan as a result? Moreover, white racists feel excluded from Black History Month. Should we cancel it? Or should we educate the bigots? If the answer is obvious, why do we tolerate different rules when it comes to the bigots who hate Christmas?

Then we have this business about extending the same degree of recognition for every holiday that falls in December as we do Christmas. So why not give the same amount of attention to the First of Muharram and Ashura as we do Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday? After all, they, too, fall in January.

New York City is Exhibit A when it comes to multicultural madness. It allows the Catholic League to put a Nativity scene in Central Park, but not in the schools; it allows Jews to put a menorah in both places. This is religious discrimination and it explains why we have this case before the courts."

The amazing part about this story is not in the details, but the messenger. The NY Daily News is so very jump-on-the-bandwagon liberal that it is nearly painful to peruse the pages. But Catholics in NYC swing a hefty fiscal club, and when the call of discrimination issues forth what can a loon do but publish stories about the attack upon Christmas. It'll be business as usual as soon as this embarassing holiday season passes and the soccer moms can return to petitioning for all references of Christianity to be removed from the public eye so as not to offend our non-Christian brothers and sisters of the world.

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