Tuesday, August 01, 2006

J-Pod On The Hezzies

"Like a particularly malignant kind of parasite, Hezbollah weaved itself thoroughly into the limited infrastructure of Qana so that every person there would serve as a deterrent to an Israeli attack. It had good reason to know Israel might hesitate before ordering a bombing raid. Ten years ago, under a similar set of circumstances, Israel hit Qana and killed 100 civilians - an act that led to the suspension of a potent military campaign against Hezbollah.

Israel did hesitate. It waited 17 days into the conflict before risking the assault. But since Israel's war goal is the complete degradation if not total destruction of Hezbollah's military capability, it could have hesitated no longer.

Questions are even being raised about whether the Israeli attack actually caused the deaths in question, since the building collapse that caused most of them came seven hours after the bombs fell. Only a naive person would assume that Hezbollah wouldn't be willing to stage an atrocity for political effect. But it doesn't matter, really. The blood of those dead is on Hezbollah's hands and the moral responsibility for the deaths lies with Hezbollah entirely."

What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive ourselves that war is pretty. More than enough words are being devoted to the outrage foisted upon the civilized world concerning islam at war, so I won't add to the keyboard carnage except to say this:

SO WHAT'S NEW? Ya think that people who could saw a man's head off while he struggles to breathe, you think these folks are human?

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