Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Meanwhile, Embarassed Christians Take Position While Mel Sleeps...

Bravo 1 this is Bravo 2. Sitrep, over.

Bravo 2 this is Bravo 1; Copy 5 by 5, Lima Charlie, Hotel Michael, over.

Bravo 1 you are 5 by 5, Lima Charlie, over.

Target is resting and has not left the premises, Bravo 2. Request for hard solution, over.

Be advised you are clear for hard solution, Bravo 1. Repeat, you are clear for hard solution, over.

Copy that, Bravo 2. Hard solution upon your command. Trigger hard solution, Bravo 2, over?

Ah, if and when target blames the Jews for one more thing, Bravo 1. You are open for hard solution at your discretion. Repeat, once more and respond with prejudice, over.

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