Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Note To Mel: Call Pee Wee

It's hard to dislike Mel Gibson. Not because he's a nice guy or a good actor, because he is neither, no, it's because the media is so willing to jump on his drunken tirade...a tirade we've seen no proof of, mind you...and villify the man.

My own Loon-Dar pegs dead-red whenever the CNN's of the world report someone did this or that, and when the conservative retort is to join in the chorus something seems amiss.

Jesse Jackson calls NYC "Hymie-Town" then babbles on more beloved than ever. Gibson, after having a few too many, trashes the Jews then goes into rehab.

I guess it's a black and white thing. First stop after detox, Mel should arrange for Cindy Sheehan to be photographed with her head on his back. This placates the loons. The wingnuts will return to the fold just as soon as they crank up "Passion of the Christ" again and giggle at all of the hook-nosed evil Joos who gladly surrendered their mythical savior to the Romans.

If he had anything close to a sense of humor, he'd crank out a video of himself doing the Big Shoe Dance to "Tequila", and all would be well. We'd laugh our asses off, the libs would despise him for poking fun at so serious a subject, and the world would once more revolve around the sun.

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