Sunday, August 20, 2006

WE Are Haganah

Misha is proud to proclaim such, and so am I.

The Haganah (Hebrew: "The Defense", ההגנה) was a Jewish paramilitary organization in what was then the British Mandate of Palestine from 1920 to 1948. It was the main precursor for Israel's army: the IDF (צה"ל).

Yes, the steaming turds of European moslems who call themselves Hezbollah have forgotten or disremember or are too stupid to understand that there are lots more of us* than there are of them, and we have the brains to go along with the firepower. As long as there is an Israel there will be her defenders. To destroy Israel, the ragtag sandfleas of arabia have to get through us first, and that's not going to happen.

*real fighting men

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