Monday, August 14, 2006

Woody Has It Right...

"If the "Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40" don't stop trying to blow up airplanes I vote we ban them from public transportation altogether. This political correctness is going to cost thousands of American lives if we don't get real about this war we are in."

It gets my vote. Let's make this a prerequisite for ANY conservative candidate for public office. Moslems either ride nude or don't ride at all. Well. That'd be sickening. And odious. Better off just banning them until they get their more boisterous kin to once and for all stop the terror gig. We COULD allow them their OWN transportation, though. Pony's. Or rickshaws pulled by other moslems. This way they'd in fact appear as barbaric as they act.

"Mommy? Why are those men riding horsies when everyone else in in their cars?"

"Shhh, honey. Those are men who can't be trusted riding along with civilized folk."

"Oh Golly! Real mooslimbs, Mommy...?"

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