Saturday, July 15, 2006

"Can You Describe The Perpetrator, Ma'am..."

Police seek clown-face robbers after rampage
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Police are on the lookout for members of a machete-wielding gang in angry clown make-up after a rampage of robbery and violence that left nearly two dozen people injured in a park in western Washington state.

Damn if this isn't irksome. I like Clowns. Always have. The whole, "Clowns are ugly and scary" phenomena derives from wealthy American women, who as children ran into oddly attired adults that were the first grownups not dropping to a knee and peeling them a seedless grape while cooing how their diaper-poo smelled sweeter than posies. The makeup wasn't a turn-off because Mommy wore lots more, but how dare they squirt water from a flower.

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