Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hezbollah Rocket Barrage Kills 8 in Haifa Hezbollah Rocket Barrage Kills 8 in Haifa
HAIFA, Israel (AP) - "Lebanese guerillas fired a relentless barrage of rockets into the northern Israeli city of Haifa during morning rush hour Sunday, killing eight people at a train station and wounding seven others in a dramatic escalation of a five-day-old conflict that has shattered Mideast peace.

(In response)

Israel's overnight attacks on Lebanon briefly knocked Al-Manar TV off the air. The Jiyeh power plant was in flames after being hit at about 6 a.m., cutting electricity to many areas in Beirut and south Lebanon.

Large sections of the capital were covered in fine white dust from the barrage. Fires raged, and heaps of rubble and twisted metal covered entire city blocks near the Hezbollah compound in Beirut's southern district, known as Dahiyah. The steel gates of the compound were mangled.

One building was collapsed on its side; other apartment buildings were reduced to rubble or had their upper floors collapsed into those below. Broken furniture, blankets, mattresses, clothes and stuffed toys were scattered on the streets.

The Dahiyah district was empty except for guerrillas and a few residents who returned to collect belongings before taking refuge elsewhere.

We want to sleep on our own pillows in the shelter," Mariam Shihabiyah, a 39-year-old mother of five said as she emerged from scrounging supplies from her wrecked apartment. "I just want them and our clothes, that's all ... Can you believe what happened to Dahiyah?"

A copy of the Quran, Islam's holy book, lay in the street, its dusty pages fluttering. A Hezbollah gunman picked it up reverently lifted and kissed it."

Remember the devil of the time we had locating Saddams mobile launchers during the Gulf War? Imagine such devices hidden amongst a densely populated area, something every "rule" of battle decries as a war crime, and you can eaily see how difficult it is for the Israeli's to eradicate these missiles without causing massive "civilian" casualties. It shouldn't stop them, but it is, and this displays an amazing level of restraint on their part.

So what's next? Israel presents sufficient evidence that Iran and Syria are actively involved and all bets are off. If given the green light, don't believe that targets in syria or Iran are out of the question.

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