Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Left's Demand For Right-To-Privacy...

...As long as it's THEIRS.

..."Vice President Dick Cheney, 65, who paid $2.67 million last September for a house that resembles a wide, squat Mount Vernon. Another is his old friend Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, 73, who in 2003 paid $1.5 million for a brick Georgian that was last a bed-and-breakfast. Among other recognizable owners in the area are Tony Snow, President Bush's new press secretary; Joe Trippi, Howard Dean's presidential campaign manager in 2004; Nicholas Brady, President George H. W. Bush's treasury secretary; and John S. D. Eisenhower, a writer and historian and the son of President Dwight D. Eisenhower."

Another example of how liberal conclaves such as the NY Times practice little of what they preach. The article in question also provides photos of various homes...just in case your average terrorist gets lost on his way to drive a car bomb through the Vice President's fromt lawn...but squeals like a Deliverance pig whenever THEIR much vaunted "right" to privacy is invaded, or, heavens forbid, if we intrude upon the privacy of our sworn enemies. Michelle Malkin beat us to this, so she gets the kudos.

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