Friday, July 21, 2006

Snookered By The Sand Fleas

Yes, even the razor-sharp Jews can stumble now and again. War is like that.

"What the Israeli military has learned since the Lebanese border war began nine days ago is that Hezbollah managed to secretly build a network of underground tunnels and bunkers to house a vast artillery arsenal.

In the six years since Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon, it has learned that Hezbollah was collecting a huge number of Katyusha rockets and Iranian-made missiles shipped from Syria.

But the drone planes and electronic intelligence didn't reveal what was going on underground.

To go after those fortified bunkers, Israel has begun sending special teams..."

It's a cliche, most certainly, but there can BE no peace until one side wins a war. Backing off to allow the enemy time to regroup and rearm has never resulted in anything other prolonging a conflict. That's why diplomats invented diplomacy ...women like to have a say in things...but enough is enough.

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