Saturday, July 08, 2006

Time For Loonberia

Now that North Korea is flexing it's puny muscles, I fervently hope that the Loons are happy. Decades ago, when the Arab Oil Embargo shut off our supply of gas, the pump prices jumped from 20 cents a gallon to 60 in a matter of days.

The rest is history. There WAS a way out, but the same lefties who were fighting things such as DDT, turned their attention to the China Syndrome and what should have freed us from sand flea extortion forever went down the tubes.

20 million people have died because the left wanted DDT off the shelf, gasoline hovers around 3 bucks a gallon because of a Michael Douglas/Jane Fonda movie, and our Strategic Defense Initiative was Star-Wars'd into oblivion as the Loons giggled their way to another victory over common sense.

We CAN stop long-range missiles from the likes of Little Kimmy, but if he builds a lot of them we're screwed. We CAN'T stop an enemy from attacking friends such as Australia...the ANZUS treaty demands that we protect them...because after the collapse of the Soviets the Libs decided that all enemies were defeated and we could get on with saving the whales and checking the thickness of egg shells all around the country.

Shortsightedness is one of their glaring weaknesses because theirs is a live-for-today type existance that brooks no glance into the future unless it's Global Warming nonsense from fat old Al.

Why is this? Imaginary disasters are far more easily dealt with than genuine ones, and those who reside in Neverland believe that all this talk of war and famine and disease is just too yucky to dwell upon.

Despite what the Loons and their followers think, North Korea would be an easier cakewalk than Iraq, but China needs that buffer zone because of their fear of Japan, and having a united Korea would drive them to launching everything they have. Were SDI to have been in place, we could comfortably tell them to go ahead and fire up the big birds, but just remember; aim one our way or in the direction of an ally, and welcome to the stone age.

We let the Left defeat nuclear power, benign chemicals that SHOULD have erased malaria the world over, and a missile defense system to protect the free world.

Enough. The Lefties aren't the only one's angry. Enough of the twinkle toe approach to living in the real world. The sky isn't falling, there's more DDT in nature than in any anti-mosquito cocktail we could ever devise, nuclear power is safer than anything else in existance, and the bad guys still threaten us with death from the skies.

Loonberia. Make your own country, we'll even help you find a snuggy little place somewhere. But stop plotting the destruction of America from within, because it ain't gonna happen.

Not on our watch.

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