Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A Brits Take On The Upcoming Election...

If only we could vote for the next US president

I doubt we shall be much the wiser on Friday about who will be the next president of the United States, but we can be forgiven for expressing relief that this international spectator sport is now under way. Only 10 more months and it will be over.

Many Britons will feel it would be rather nice to have a vote, too. Well, maybe not a whole vote: I would settle for one worth 50 per cent of those cast by American citizens.

After all, since we are a strategic colony of the US, it would be nice to have even a marginal say in how the empire chooses to dispose our goodwill and our blood and treasure. Such considerations were explicit in the founding of the US, and what's sauce for the goose...

For many around the world, especially among that tragic tribe for whom politics is a recreation, what will play out between now and November 4 will be simply entertainment.

One can almost see their point. It is far from clear who will bag the Republican or the Democrat nominations. It is far from clear whether Mayor Bloomberg of New York will run as an independent.

Indeed, so many factors are so far from clear that the entire election is a pea-souper. Is John McCain too old? Is Barack Obama too black, or not black enough?

Is Mike Huckabee serious (he thinks he is, but that's quite another matter)? Will Rudy Giuliani last the course? Is Mitt Romney too Mormon? Above all, is Hillary Clinton too Hillary Clinton?

Even if the fog remains thick after Iowa, we should not have to wait too long for some definitive trends to emerge. The New Hampshire primaries next week will either confirm or deny what Iowa throws up."

Read it in its entirety if you need a good laugh, or cry as the case may be but try to keep a stiff upper lip. More than obvious that all this gentleman knows of American politics comes from watching CNN, and thats actually a good thing.

If our enemies are as befuddled as our "allies", then the Jurassic Press has done a good job, by mistake of course, but we forgive them because liberals cannot help being liberals. Bed wetters never REALLY get over soiling themselves, and the least we can do is over a modicum of pity.

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