Saturday, January 05, 2008

Ghost Hunter's International

"On the second episode (of Ghost Hunter's International), we're in Lucedio Abbey in Italy," said Demarest. "As Donna and I were ... exiting one of the areas, we got a pretty serious warning that we both heard coming from behind us where there was nothing that, in no uncertain terms, said we were not wanted at that location."

Since I've caught an episode or two of Ghost Hunter's by mistake then stayed to laugh at how unprofessional and Keystone-Cop'ish the show is, the above declaration from yet another band of idiots didn't faze me, even though I'm STILL trying to figure out what the hell he DID say.

Amazing how people are so very desperate to believe in the invisible. The original Ghost Hunter's features two Roto-Rooter employees well, rooting around in dusty old corners looking for spooks, and forever finding nary a one. Not that it dampers, um, their spirits any, because the stone-faced duo sort of doesn't have any to begin with. "Great job, guys." the baldy will say after they've come up empty as always, "now let's go home." One does get the feeling that the reason they fail to emote is the fact that they're holding in a healthy guffaw. Hey, who wouldn't laugh at such easy money?

Ghost Hunter's International. Proving without a shadow of a doubt that P.T. Barnum was right.

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