Friday, January 20, 2006

Ann Coulter

"...When it comes to choice-of-word crimes, I'd prefer detente to mutually assured destruction. Lead us off the chocolate plantation, Mayor Nagin!

So Hillary Clinton thinks the House of Representatives is being "run like a plantation." And, she added, "you know what I'm talking about." First of all: Think about what a weird coincidence it is that Hillary would have made these remarks in a black church in Harlem on Martin Luther King Day.

As Hillary explained, the House "has been run in a way so that nobody with a contrary view has had a chance to present legislation, to make an argument, to be heard." Yes, that's what was really missing on plantations during the slavery era: the opportunity to present a contrary view. Gosh, if only the slaves had been allowed to call for cloture votes. What a difference that would have made! Madam Hillary also said the Bush administration "will go down in history as one of the worst that has ever governed our country." While Hillary is certainly qualified to comment on what the all-time worst presidential administrations were, having had firsthand experience in one of them, I think she might want to avoid the phrase "go down in history."

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The "problem" with Ann's schtick is it's scarcity. As a website, Ms C's stuff is sweller than sliced bread but blogging is what's new today and how can I frig with it. RodHam made those remarks last Monday fer chrissake, and to the internet that's ancient history. Still and all, nobody skewers the skewerable like Ann. And with all of the material the loons provide for her it's a wonder she doesn't update more often.


Lil Toni said...

Ann leave the dems blubbering...incoherently...
"er, uh, bu bu bu, um..."

Anonymous said...

Fits, try here

Ann post columns every six days or so.

Fits said...

Thanks Bad. I want MORE of her and that's why I complain. Typical guy.

And yes, toni. Grown men throw pies at her because debating her is out of the question. She's the real deal but her prformances on Fox leave me a little cold at times.