Sunday, July 09, 2006

This Is How Much They Hate The Man...

When Bush wanted The Russians And Chinese and Japanese in on talks with North Korea, the Loons screamed that he should go it alone. When he assembled several dozen nations to effect a regime change in Iraq, it wasn't enough because France and Germany and Russia and China didn't want to expose their dearth of modern armaments to the world, but the Loons wanted them in on that effort and forget the problems of the real world.

France, Germany, Russia, and China do NOT HAVE modern weapons systems. They would have gotten in the way. Not a one of them possess even a standard military TRUCK that is fitted to operate in adverse conditions, so they couldn't even offer us something to assist with the supply line. Ideologies aside, politics aside, they had nothing the coalition could have used save for somewhat warm bodies to hurl into the gristmill that is war. Going back to Desert Storm, most of the above did offer to send certain armaments and we politely declined. France wanted to rid itself of a leaky aircraft carrier that literally dripped radioactive waste, knowing full well that it might have sunk, or at the very least we'd have paid for them to build a new one after they claimed damages incurred during the operations. Bush the First didn't fall for various bunko schemes, and neither did W.

If "Cowboy Diplomacy" means doing what's best for the United States, then it is alive and well, thank you very much.


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