Saturday, January 12, 2008

And Another "Knowledgeable" Anti-Gunner Is Heard From...

"We are all aware of the many gun deaths throughout the US every year. There are 8 guns for every 10 Americans today. In most large cities, like LA,
Chicago, Detroit, Miami, Cleveland, Atlanta, New York City and San Diego to name a few, police departments can’t keep up with the sophisticated weaponry of the local gangs.

Its not possible to take everyone’s guns away in America. We are far too
established and set in our ways. But we can make laws to minimize the deaths:

We need laws to:

1. Make sure everyone is registered to each gun they own. They must pay a small fee each year to pay for the registration and control. If you claim your gun was stolen lost or given away. Then you must be responsible and fined for whatever crime occurs if it is caught in a crime. If you sell it or transfer it to someone you know, a signed affidavit to the registration of the new owner must follow, with a complete background check. If gun gurus believe their guns are such a precious commodity, then they won’t mimd paying the fee. This wouldn’t prevent most crimes but it would gradually slow down and eventually stop the illegal use of guns.

2. All persons who purchase a gun or is transferred a gun must take a small
training class (could be given by the NRA) Clearly stating the responsibilities to protect from children, theft and use. I believe the NRA does this in a
limited fashion.

3. No sales of AK47’s or similar automatic weapons. Those are not needed for hunting or to protect yourself, unless you’re a drug lord. If you have a
collector’s item, it must me proven that it is dismantled whereby it can’t fire.

4. Absolutely no sales of grenades, rocket launchers or typical bomb making
material (gun powder, etc.)

If gun owners object to this then they are not interested in protecting the
5,000 children or 21,000 Americans that are killed by guns every year. If gun owners really care then they must prove responsibility for this.

Leonard Muniz, Broomfield

Well golly, Lenny, where does one even begin to fisk this abject lack of reasoning? Registering guns is just another way of making a list of who has good stuff to steal when the times comes for the local police to pull a Katrina; promoting the idea of mandatory training classes would first require you offer proof that the lack of training is becoming a factor; AK knock-offs available in the US are not fully automatic, and shoot a peashooter round compared to real hunting arms; bombs and bomb-like ordnance have been illegal for quite some time and gunpowder BURNS, Lenny, it doesn't explode which is the reason bomb makers never use it to make bombs; and if there are 300 million available firearms in these United States and the harm from them is so relatively minuscule then whats your beef? Tell me something that isn't hazardous, Lenny. Where is the blood running in the streets with regards to the use of firearms by law-abiding men and women?

Wanting to punish these good citizens for the actions of the criminal is seriously nuts, Lenny, but understandable coming from someone whose own nationality participates in gun crimes at a prodigious level. Sorry you can't trust your homeys, just don't lump all of us with 'em, okay. And a hearty Thank-You, to the Denver Post for publishing Lenny's asinine remarks. Good to know that our avowed enemies remain so very stupid.

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