Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Romney Wins Over Manchurian Candidate And Huckleberry

Looks like its going to be 39% Romney, 30% McCain, and 17% Huckleberry.

What amazes me is McCain garnering 30% of the vote. This is the guy who pushes for elevating already burdensome CAFE standards, is into the global warming scam, and had the gall to waltz into Michigan spouting such abject nonsense. Every single one of our foreign motor vehicle competitors can sell whatever sells in their respective homeland, while our government forces car makers to install catalytic converters and squeeze every last mile per gallon. Not that saving gas and polluting less isn't a good thing, but MANDATING it is a bad thing or perhaps Johnnie hasn't seen how far Detroit has fallen since CAFE and smog controls began strangling the American automakers.

Then they blame the working man for making too much money.

Have you seen the list of Congressional perks and benefit packages lately?

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