Wednesday, January 16, 2008

And The Pundits Are Clueless...

"...Even with an open primary, and no real race on the Democratic side - leaving Independents free to come out and vote for McCain - the Arizona maverick couldn't pull out a victory.

Perhaps Romney's personality just appeals more to Republicans than does the sometimes cantankerous McCain's. But Romney also had something of a revival on the campaign trail in Michigan. Talking about the woes of the auto industry, and what he promised to do to make them go away, Romney seemed passionate and animated and genuine in a way that he hadn't before in the campaign."

The sometimes cantankerous McCain? How about the most-time LIBERAL McCain...

John McCain is not a Republican. John McCain is at times a moderate democrat, but no one favoring the Algore scam of global warming, no one forcing the auto industry to go bankrupt in the attempt to fashion technology that simply isn't there yet, no one responsible for McCain-Feingold, or McCain-Kennedy is a Republican.

How hard IS this for the pundits to understand?

Even slimy Dicky Morris is pitching fits over McCain's poor showing in Michigan, but then again Slimy Dicky isn't a Republican either so what does he know. Slimy Dicky thinks the Republican party is in chaos because they didn't choose McCain. Forget that we've yet to see a genuine Conservative state step to the plate, Slimy Dicky believes that selecting the best man is a waste of time because we should simply pick one and be done with it or the democrats will run roughshod over us in November.

Nothing could be further from the truth. LET the liberals fuss over picking who the racists whites want versus who the racists blacks want the most. Unless something terribly unusual occurs, either Mitt Romney or Rudy Giuliani will get the nod and THAT was in the cards months ago. No one save for the liberal media believed John McCain stood ANY chance of winning, and all that Huckleberry did was fool enough independents but the Republican Party isn't about independents.

The clueless ones are also opining that the party is in disarray because the President hasn't annointed a successor.

Who in heavens name would WANT the approval of George Bush? ALL of these guys are trying to convince us that they are CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS. George Bush is NOT a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. We've long since seen through HIS act so why...why would we get all hot and bothered over someone who also favors amnesty when we've got MANCHURIAN Johnny?

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