Monday, May 05, 2008

Clinton mailing attacks Obama on guns

"Hillary Clinton has re-opened her sharp attack on Barack Obama's position on guns, with a mailer in Indiana that seeks to raise questions about him with both supporters and opponents of gun rights.

The mailing -- perhaps the sharpest-edged of Clinton's five negative mail pieces in Indiana -- casts him as a typical politician, saying different things to different audiences. It also revives his damaging comments in San Francisco that small town people cling to guns.

Then, making the harsh case more broadly, the mailer asks: "What does Barack Obama really believe?"

The piece is particularly striking coming from Clinton, who has been seen for most of her career as a firm advocate of gun control, but more recently has emerged -- without dramatically shifting her stance on specific issues -- as a defender of the Second Amendment who fondly recalled being taught to shoot by her grandfather in Scranton."

This is the same woman who stood four-square with her husband's assault weapon ban. And magazine capacity dimishment. Who can ever forget the infamous S&W Hillary-Hole?

Hillary, that's who.

Sure, Obo is an anti-gun zealot but Skankles is the mother of all gun-trashers. Its a shame the Republicans aren't using her anti-gun rhetoric, and what the hell is the matter with Obo's people? They should be calling the kettle black to the 9's on this one.

I will give her people credit for one thing, though. Never before saw a lefthanded Mauser, so who knew she'd be into such rare firearms.

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