Monday, May 05, 2008

Whenever You Think That WE Have It Rough...

" in Ireland it takes anywhere up to 3 years to get a license for a handgun, and even as I write they are busy changing the laws to restrict your ability to carry it. Since April 1st.. (don't laugh), it's against the law to carry your licensed carry firearm,
technically to carry your firearm you need 3 secured steel cases

#1) for the pistol frame
#2) for the barrel and magazines
#3) for your ammunition

So if you need to defend yourself (which is now also illegal) you have to open the 3 secured cases, complete your firearm, load the magazine and then not use it in a manner likely to upset the populace in general, we cant go around scaring the sheep now can we?

They have even outlawed any form of tactical or practical firearms training, all handgun licenses are now restricted to use for "static paper punching only"

What a wonderful system we have......"

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