Thursday, April 23, 2009

Glockmeister Has The New G-17 RTF

"Due to the success of the 22 RTF that was released earlier this year, Glock is now producing the same rough textured frame and new style slide for the 17. We are now taking pre-orders for the Glock 17 RTF (rough textured frame). The limited amount of our first allocation will go at the reduced of $479.00 for all pre-orders. If you are a local customer please call us at 480-539-3978 to reserve your gun. For our out of state customers, please find an FFL Dealer in your area to accept the transfer and call us at 1-888-456-2563.
We will stop taking pre-orders Tuesday, April 28th."

Personally, I don't like the rough textured version (and the new slide serrations make me dizzy) but they're apparently selling like hotcakes so give Glockmeister a call or hit the headline link for more info. And, as you can plainly see, the picture is of the Glock 22 RTF, cause I couldn't find a shot of the 17 yet.

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