Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Best Jewish Blog


So LGF wins, Chuckie gets to insert a banner proclaiming such, and Roger Simon gets honorable mention because he's the brains behind the Pajama Party and copartner with Johnson. There are what, 20 million blogs floating around the net? And that makes what, 19 million blogs better than LGF? Now god bless the lad because his readers keep an eye on the scary men in turbans but LGF is a link site and there's not a bit of blogging going on unless you count the thousands of comment-section offerings each day. But you really can't give someone an award because his readers like to talk a lot. Amongst themselves. And let's face it, any blogger worthy of the name looks at such an award and says thanks, but no thanks. Web logs are the antithesis of anything remotely resembling an award process. Unless it's something to do with "worst-of".

Moxie's probably right in wanting to seperate herself from what's been trying to pass itself off as blogging nowadays. Here's a chick who can write your or my ass off and if anyone tried giving her an award let's just say that they wouldn't try it again. Steve, the Peasant, and hundreds like them would find a way to make it frickin hilarious and would only accept if B movie actresses or naked midget wrestlers were doing the presentations.

And I don't hat-tip anyone because that's old man Hatlo's gig but I found the story at Hog who linked to Aaron's where the last part of the daisy chain could be found. Crissake but all these links are making me feel like I'm associated with the Open Snore PJ's and that sucks so no more for a while. I wouldn't know GRAVITAS if it bit me in the ass.


Anonymous said...

I hat tipped you a few days ago, Fits.

Ain't nothing wrong with it. It's just a small courtesy to acknowledge the linkee had a little to do with finding the story for the linker.

And if Moxie wants to seperate herself from blogging and just hold an online journal, there are actually better way to do it than to announce her readers all suck. Now, all she appear to have is a bunch of masochists who seem to think Moxie is acting out as a dominatrix, or some such.

Seriously, who gives a flying f*ck if the PJ folks link only to one another and are flying on a $7 million cushion.

It's the show that matters. When tey fall, my blog will still be here and depneding on when they fall, a good football or basketball game report will trump them every time

You come up with an intersting story and I want to pass it on, I will do it and whatever consequences there are be damned, but I am still going to be human and polite about it, and attribute the person/blog who discovered it before me.

It's just being convivial and polite.

I would never have found the Paterno story, not just because I can't stand Penn State and I wished like the devil, Ohio State has kicked their asses, but because it place one of the great coaches remakring about something to a reporter who had zero business asking such a question.

What am I trying to say?

I want a screwdriver and some dinner.

I enjoy your blog, Fits, BTW.

Fits said...

Aw thanks Badanov. I'd call ya Boris but don't wanna seem too familiar. The hat-tip deal doesn't mean I am against attributing something to it's derivative source, just that it was copywrited by a fella named Hatlo. A cartoonist who'd give Hatlo's Hat-Tips to readers that would suggest a funny topic. The older bloggers began using hat-tip without calling attention to the once famous Mr. Hatlo and that pissed me off.

And Moxie is simply full of moxie. Another olden times reference to someone with a combination of toughness and sass. The gal can't help herself. The passion must be released, and instead of admitting she's madly in love with me she goes through life seeking one outlet or another to vent.

And thank you for the nice words. You've got a kickass sports blog going. And it WILL be around long after the Pajama Party folds it's tent and slinks into the craven night. As for me, I've just frigged another gun I was assembling and a screwdriver sounds good right about now.