Saturday, January 14, 2006

Okay, one last time

See now this is where the Fobus holster retains the gun...via the trigger guard, (and that's cool because who wants the thing grabbing on to the slide) and since Glock trigger guards are as bulky as humanly possible...really silly for a sub-compact to have such a glaring protrusion but lots of people say they like it that way...breaking in a rigid plastic holster can be a problem.

But the oven thing seems to have done the trick. That and only about 3 or 4 thousand present-arms. Now the gun is steady but not locked in so tightly that I'd have to call a time out should the need to draw really really quickly ever arise.

And yeah, I know my pictures suck and I do promise to take the time to take some decent shots when the urge to share my follies comes 'round again.

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