Monday, January 02, 2006

Podhoretz Weighs In On RINO Mike's Speechifyin'

"New York City is not in crisis, as it was when Rudy Giuliani took office. It is not "in mourning," as Bloomberg rightfully said yesterday it was when he took office only months after 9/11. It's in pretty good shape, and yesterday he said he was going to try his best to be a pretty good mayor for the next four years.

Which is nice. Just don't give Liza a microphone again. Ever. Or I will be making a citizen's arrest."

John Podhoretz played softball with this one, complaining about Minnelli rather than getting to the heart of the matter, but that's all one can expect from a mainstream writer that identifies himself as a Republican. Can't mess with the vanilla NRO gig, so play it safe. And John, one thing, pal; Can't make a citizens arrest in NYC. That'd be putting power in the hands of the people. The disarmed people who are being placed in harms way each and every day because the local government plays footsie with the minority groups.

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