Monday, July 17, 2006

French Flee

French expatriates gather at their embassy in Lebanon to await transportation back home to the moslems they are accustomed to. You know, the disadvantaged youths that burn a few hundred cars a night until they're paid off. Not these crazy Lezzbowlers, or whatever it is sandfleas are calling themselves this week, who take their marching orders from Persia and don't know when to stop.

This is it for me here, though. The bombing and rocketing will continue until Iran has a handle on Israeli logistical capabilities, then they'll call off the dogs. The bodies of the captured soldiers will be returned as soon as the tanks begin rolling towards the border, and anything else is silly conjecture. It's impossible to predict what madmen will do, but don't believe for a moment that this was orchestrated just to see how many buildings the Lebanese could afford to have blown to pieces. It's a smart move to see what your enemy is capable of, then reining in the dogs once you've gathered enough intelligence. I'm just ceasing and desisting further commentary until something noteworthy happens. The Iranians can't fool ALL of us, K.

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