Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Prince Charles: Ban the Big Mac

"Prince Charles today said banning McDonald's fast food was the key to a healthy lifestyle.

His comments came as he attended the launch of a public health awareness campaign.

Charles, a strong advocate of organic food, was touring the Imperial College London

Diabetes Centre in Abu Dhabi with the Duchess of Cornwall.

He asked nutritionist Nadine Tayara: "Have you got anywhere with McDonald's, have you tried getting it banned? That's the key."

Interesting in that a man chosen to lead his country because he happened to be born into just the right family at just the right point in time, should seek to do much of anything but drop to his knees on a regular basis and thank his deity or deities for such boldfaced luck. Bad enough that elected officials try their hand at blissninny'hood, but when a hereditary ruler speaks it should be of nothing more important than how absolutely delightful the weather might be on any given day.

But of course fast food is making people fat and unhealthy. As a child and into young adulthood, I never even saw a fat person let alone knew one, but all of that changed when Ray Croc had this brainstorm to lure folks into his restaurant by employing a giggling clown, then out with as much calories as could be held in a small paper bag.

Obesity is a sign of opulence, or with regards to the modern world, an indication that the welfare system is doing its job, and those who wish to drown themselves in a vat of trans fats have every right to do so, and is natures way of ridding the ecosystem of such undesirables.

Sorry, Charlie. Banning Prince's is a far better idea for the short haul, and we'll eventually get around to making the delicious but fat free foodstuff just as soon as the world is rid of leeches like yourself.

Pictured: His Royal Highness Prince Charles, and two young men of indeterminate parenthood.

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