"Nearly 180 years after slavery was banned in New York, lawmakers are touting a measure that would require state government to apologize for having sanctioned human bondage.

"Had it not been for slavery, New York City would not have become the financial capital of the world," said Assemblyman Keith Wright (D-Harlem), a prime sponsor of the initiative. Left unaddressed by the bill is the stickier question of seeking financial reparations for slavery.

Wright said he wanted to keep the two issues separate.

The proposal calls for the state's commemoration of June 19 - also known as Juneteenth, marking the anniversary of slavery's abolition."

And THAT, my friends, is the REAL story behind all of these apologies. Once enough states have offered one, the next step is reparations. Reparations to the tune of billions upon billions of dollars to groups headed by the likes of Sharpton and Jackson to pay back descendants of former slaves.

Few people detest what slavery has done to America more than I, and I'd be willing to chip in as much as I could afford to send anyone no longer wishing to be a part of America back to where they feel more at home. With the stipulation of course that neither they nor their descendants ever return.

I don't see blacks offering an apology for the crime they foist upon the country day in and day out, TODAY, that is, and not hundreds of years ago. So until such an apology is given and returns nationwide results to the positive with regards to the out of control criminal element that happens to be black, then shove the apology where the sun don't shine and spend that time and effort figuring out what to do with what is happening NOW.


Bartlett wishes to know, among other things, "Apologize? For ending the institution of slavery in this country forever? For spending the blood of a mostly white Northern army (and Southern army, actually, most of whom didn't own slaves and none of whom benefited from the experience)? Or should we apologize to the civilian victims of Sherman's march through Georgia?"

Over 600,000 men died during the Civil War, and try as I might I couldn't seem to find any reference to a thank-you offered by the Rev's Al or Jesse or Assemblyman Wright for so noble a sacrifice.

And as costly as the bloody affair was, you'd think that today's blacks would be more than willing to kick back some operating cash to the government for the staggering $6 billion dollars plus the North spent to win.

$6 billion. In 1865 dollars. Plus interest, of course.

BUT...call it a draw. Money wise. Certainly NOT blood sweat and tears wise. Here's why...

My Great-Great Grandfather on my Mothers side fought in the Civil War. He owned no slaves, nor for that matter did anyone in the family. He was honorably discharged in 1865 as a Corporal, and received an unknown disability pension for the loss of his left arm. Under normal circumstances I'd be willing to let bygones be bygones but since reparations have been discussed am open to a settlement from whichever black caucus wants to pay back.

Interested parties may reach me at this blog.